Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I feel lost without LOST (nevermind, I'm a space cadet. LOST doesn't premiere until next week...)

* You can wait until next week to read the first part of this post if you want. :)
I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself because the rest of the world is watching the season premiere of LOST right about now and I am in this little podunk town where I can't get it. I have to wait until tomorrow and
watch it on the internet so maybe I shouldn't be complaining because at least I can do that, but darn it I want to watch it NOW. (This last phrase should be read in a very whiney voice.) Anyway, here I am sitting at the computer. I should be doing dishes or laundry or making lunches for my kids but I guess it's more "fun" to sit here whining. The rest of life is ok at this point in time. We should be getting a new dishwasher and a new toilet in the next couple of days so the issues we've been having with leaking water and having to hold the dishwasher closed with the broom handle should be resolved.
As David put it so eloquently "Rube Goldberg would be proud." So that is what's going on with us. . .
I am really looking forward to General Conference this weekend and also to our little road trip to Panama City. We are going down to be with my sister and her family for the occasion. I am so excited to see her and am so grateful that we are a little bit closer now and will be able to see each other more often. It should be a lot of fun and still warm enough to maybe take a dip in the ocean! It's a win/win situation I think. So I guess I have plenty to be grateful for after all.

1 comment:

Jill said...

Yep, it's totally free. If you click on the link in my post that says "watch it on the internet" it'll take you there or you can copy and paste the following into your browser:
The episodes are not on until the following day to my knowledge though. Also you have to make sure the security settings on your computer are set to allow cookies or it won't work. Have fun!