Saturday, April 07, 2007

Easter Traditions

The tradition in our family is to get our baskets on Saturday morning and then take them on a picnic for lunch. I love this since it leaves Sunday free for focusing on the true meaning of Easter. On Sunday we go to church and still have a really nice Easter feast but this gives my children a chance to focus on Jesus Christ and his life, Atonement, and resurrection without all the excitement and commercialism of the Easter Bunny and all the sugar high of the Easter candy! It might not be for every family but it works well for ours. Traditionally, the Easter bunny always brings several of the same treats every year as well (this started with my husband's family). There is always a Twinkie, a banana, Orange Crush (in bottles--this is a must) and of course dyed eggs plus all the normal goodies like jelly beans and a chocolate bunny. This makes up our picnic along with a few sandwiches. This year we went to a park and boy was it cold--it reminded me of Easter in Rochester, NY where we moved from several months ago. In the past we have gone all kinds of places--even a cemetery. I know maybe it sounds a little weird, but they can be such beautiful, peaceful places and if you think about it what better place to remember that because of Jesus Christ we will all be resurrected.

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Unknown said...

Well, it's been snowing here for the past week (including an inch or two for Sunday morning), so I'm sure your "chilly" Saturday, was still warmer than here! :)

Christine said...

I love the pictures of the boys. Seth sure looks like his daddy. I think that we will do the Saturday 'fun' Easter too when Lucy is older.