Sunday, April 22, 2007

Happy Birthday to You, You Live in a Zoo

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Yesterday there was an open house at the Vet School with lots of fun stuff for the kids to do. There was an obstacle course for the dogs like they have at dog shows and we got to see Border Collies herding ducks and sheep. There were lots of fun little games for the kids to do like golf, a football toss and other stuff like that plus they could perform surgery on teddy bears and other stuffed animals. When I saw this picture with the three spaces for faces I knew that I had to get my three little boys up there so I could take their picture.

Today before we ate my birthday cake, (I know, a day late, but whatever) my family sang “Happy Birthday” to me, then Joel piped up with the old “happy birthday to you, you live in a zoo…” bit and the reality of that struck me. Sometimes I really do feel like I live in a zoo. I love my children and they are good little boys for the most part but it can definitely get wild around here!

Anyway, I thought the picture fit and I had to share it.

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