Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Mommy's Little Helper

Nate making cookies

I started to make some cookies and when Nate saw what I was doing he pretty much took over. I would roll out the dough and before I could help him he would grab a cookie cutter and press it down right in the middle. I think I ended up rolling out the cookies 3 times as much as I normally would. Then when I turned my back to take some cookies out of the oven he started to roll out the dough himself. At one point I said, "Wait, let me help you." "Mom," he said with exasperation, "I can't wait." Classic. It was so sweet how he was so eager to help. Some of the cookies are a little bit misshapen but it was so worth the time I got to spend with him. process and product


Mauri said...

Oh my goodness. What a cute little guy! I love that story, and your cookies look simply delicious.

Heather O said...

How cute! I love that he started to roll out the dough. What a sweetheart he is!