Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cheap Gas

old timey gas station (1)

We went to  pick blueberries on Saturday (see previous post) out in the country.  As we were driving we came across this old timey gas station in the middle of nowhere.

old timey gas station (2)I loved the old pumps. I couldn't help thinking that gas was much cheaper back when they were using those kind of pumps. My mom was telling me that gas was $0.25 a gallon when she and dad got married. That was one thing they never worried about much--there was always a dollar to buy a few gallons of gas. Two dollars could fill up their car. I won't even say how much I spent in gas money in the last month with the recent road trip. Yikes. old timey gas stationI will say this though, one of the things I love about living here is what I like to call the "time warp factor". It is pretty rural around and remarkably there are many places where not much has changed in the last 50 years or so.  Just going on a short drive can make you feel like you've traveled back in time. Sometimes it's really cool, sometimes a little scary, always interesting. Anyway, this was an interesting little sight. We loved the Coca~Cola sign on the side of the building as well--it just added to the nostalgia. Too bad those pumps aren't in use anymore. . .


NO David! said...

Those little clumps of wildflowers are what make this photo COOL!

Mauri said...

I love this photo, and I agree with David. Those flowers just set it off. Who actually plants flowers next to a gas pump? Of course, if the gas pumps looked like that, I would too. So idyllic.