Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Liberty, Missouri

So by now you have probably read or heard a little bit of my horror story of traveling across the country with sick kids. I'm going to spare you all the sordid details for now (although I keep thinking maybe I should record it for posterity's sake). What I haven't talked about was our nice little side trip to Independence and Liberty, Missouri. Independence was good but Liberty was great. The original jail no longer stands, but the Church has built a reproduction which is housed inside the visitors' center there. I have been once before--probably about 20 years ago--and I've heard the history before, but there is something special about being there in person. I loved hearing about how Liberty Jail was called the "Temple Prison" because of all the learning that took place there and the blessings that were poured out there. What a horrible, trying time that was for those men who were imprisoned, but at the same time scripture came out of that experience that has blessed people worldwide. I know the scriptures from that time period in the Doctrine and Covenants are some of my favorite. I also know from personal experience that those scriptures have even blessed people who do not belong to our church. I felt such an appreciation and love for Joseph Smith and what he endured. Before we left, the sister missionary that was taking us on the tour asked us all if there was a Primary song we could sing. Seth raised his hand and suggested "Praise to the Man." It's not really a Primary song but we have learned it in our Primary here in Auburn and it is his favorite song. It was such a moving experience to sing that hymn there. I'm so thankful that we took the time to go and visit that site and have my testimony of Joseph Smith as a latter-day prophet affirmed.

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