Tuesday, July 29, 2008

You Might Have Little Boys If. . .

  • The dinner conversation includes a reference to the bacon looking like a helicopter
  • The most exciting part of your day consists of examining a really big dead moth
  • You find a plastic spider frozen in a cup of water in the freezer (to be excavated later)
  • There aren't any pillows on your bed because they have all been taken to build a fort
  • You find the cap to the whipped cream can in the washing machine and marbles in the dryer
  • You have ever stepped on a plastic army guy with bare feet (ouch!)
  • You find random pictures of block towers on your digital camera
  • The cord that pulls down the attic stairs doubles as a noose for bad guy action figures
  • The bathroom is the grossest room in the house even though you just cleaned it yesterday
  • The rocking horse is wearing a necktie
  • You have more sports equipment around the house than the NBA, NFL and the NHL combined
  • You know what NBA, NFL and NHL stand for
  • You know how to make sound effects for a dozen different vehicles including tanks, bullet trains and motor boats to name a few
  • You find Legos in the couch cushions while you are looking for the remote control (which you end up finding under the bed in another room)
  • You've ever had to say the phrase, "Please do not climb into the dishwasher"
I know these things from experience. This is how:the boys


Amy said...

Ha! I LOVE that list! What a cute bunch of boys. You are a lucky mom.

Rencher Fam said...

Haha! Reading your post made me feel like I'm not so alone in the world. I think I have experienced every one of those things that you listed!! Aren't boys awesome?!!

Jenn said...

I LIVE that list! You didn't mention having more Matchbox cars scattered on the floor than are parked at a GM assembly plant. =)

Heather O said...

Oh man, that was an awesome list!! I didn't make it half way without almost spewing cracker crumbs all over the screen from the crackers I was eating while reading. Thanks for the laugh and I think you have darling boys!

Mauri said...

Wow, that's awesome. I especially like the crawing-in-the-dishwasher comment. I just love those little guys (and the big one too--even if he is my brother)!