Friday, September 12, 2008

Prepare Yourself

You have been warned. Before you scroll down any further I must tell you that there is a picture of the biggest spider I have ever seen in my life below. You really cannot grasp how large this thing is since there is no point of reference, but it's body is about the size of a really large grape. That doesn't count it's head or legs. With legs and all it is probably about as big as my outstretched hand (and I have long fingers!). It has a gargantuan web stretching from the bridge we cross every day as we walk to school over the gully and attached to some tree branches on the other side. We had a similar spider build it's web right outside our back door shortly after we moved to Auburn and it was really cool to watch. I eventually made David move it to the woods though. I couldn't stand the thought of killing it. Aside from the fact that I am generally freaked out by spiders, I actually have a soft spot for the garden variety. They eat mosquitos and other nasty bugs and are harmless to humans. They build gorgeous webs and are large enough that I almost think of them as animals (as opposed to creepy crawlies). I have no problem smashing smaller spiders--well actually I do. I usually make David do it for me--but these seem to almost have their own personality. Don't get me wrong. I wouldn't ever want to hold one or have it in my house but I am quite comfortable admiring them in their natural environment. We spotted this one a little over a week ago and it is still in the same spot. I took this picture Tuesday (my boys' idea--Seth actually ran back to the house to get the camera for me). Wednesday as I was walking home the sunlight was hitting the web just right and there was still a little dew on it (83% humidity after all). It was really beautiful. Nature is amazing!100_5037


Danielle said...

Ewwww. And grody.

Amy said...

Oh Blech. I don't appreciate that kind of nature like you do. :D

Mauri said...

I don't know that I would characterize any spider as "beautiful" but that's a pretty amazing picture. :) Has David ever told you about Grandma Turner and her complete lack of spider fear? We all have memories of her picking a spider off the wall and ripping it apart before throwing it away because she did it all the time. Yeah, no shoe involved.

Jill said...

I agree. No, the spider wasn't beautiful--the web was. I have heard the grandma Turner stories. Makes me shudder to think...