Monday, October 20, 2008

It's Just Like a Mini Mall

Yes, I'm talking about Flea Market Montgomery. Located a mere 56.2 miles (that's only 1 hour and 4 minutes driving time) from our front door, this furniture superstore offers living rooms, bedroom and dinettes. It also boasts one of the best and worst commercials I have ever seen. I laughed. I cried. I cringed. I think part of the appeal for me personally is that I actually live in the same state as this place. I  know you will all envy me after you watch the clip but try not to be too jealous. When we make a pilgrimage I will be sure to share my pictures with you all. A note of warning: after I watched this video I had the song stuck in my head for over a week.


Danielle said... question is, *HOW* is it like a mini mall?

Mandie Green said...

Please tell me they do not buy two minute commercial slots and subject you to the WHOLE song on a regular basis. Oh and I can totally the youth in your area getting their grove on with the Montgomery Flea Market dance at their monthly stake dances. It's like to Macarana of the new generation.