Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Zoo

the cougar Tuesday the boys didn't have school because of the Veteran's Day holiday so I decided to get them out of the house and take them to the zoo. We loved going to the zoo with our friends when we lived in Rochester and went often but we've only been once since we have lived here. It's just not as convenient and to be honest I haven't wanted to do it much without our friends to go with. I promised my kids that if they goofy grincleaned their rooms though that we could do something fun on their day off. So, we packed a picnic lunch and loaded up the car and headed to Montgomery. The weather was absolutely perfect and we had a really nice time. Nate was scared of a lot of the animals. He told me after just a second, "I'm done looking at the Jaguar now, Mom. I want to go." Daniel had a eyes opengreat time. He was in his stroller the whole time (for my sanity) and would pull himself up as close as he could and stick his little face up to the bars to get a better view. He really liked the elephants. Joel was enthusiastic as ever and was happy to see his favorite look!animals, the monkeys and Seth insisted that we save the cougars until the very end because they are his favorite animal and "that way we can save the best 'til last." I'm so glad that I was able to spend some time with my boys doing something fun and enjoying the outdoors. It was a great day.

Top to bottom:

Seth happy to see the cougar

Joel with a goofy grin

Nate wolfing down his sandwich

Daniel pointing at the elephants

You can see more pictures here: My Tabblo


Danielle said...

I swear your boys look older with every picture you post! I'm glad you guys had fun!

Amy said...

I agree, Danielle. I love Daniel's fat little fingers pointing at the elephant. Baby fat fingers are so cute!

Rencher Fam said...

I wish that I could kiss Daniel's cheeks through the computer-He is way too cute!:)