Sunday, February 14, 2010

That Explains It

This morning we were reenacting the weekly drama of trying to get ready for church on time. My house is in quite a state right now with dirty and clean laundry all spread all over and driving me insane. In the mess we could not find Nate’s pants (or Joel’s shoes). I looked in all the places where I knew clean laundry to be with no luck so I went to ask David if he had any ideas. He told me that he had folded 4 pairs of Nate’s pants while I was at the store yesterday and told Nate to put them away. I asked Nate what he did with the pants. Did he hang them in the closet? Did he put them in his drawer? No. He did neither. Instead he “wore them all for a little while.”

And here I was wondering why I can’t ever keep up with the laundry.


Amy said...

ARGH!! I have this same issue. It could drive a person to the funny farm!

Heather O said...

At least now you know! :) Good luck with the laundry, I struggle with mine and I'm sure it doesn't even compare.

Mauri said...

Oh wow. At least they got folded before he wore them, I guess. :) I'll come and do your laundry anytime!

Darcy said...

Ha ha, I guess we will never understand what goes through a little boys mind.

MelanieH said...

I'm sorry, but that made me laugh out loud. I guess it's funny because I've been there, and my laundry is in a similar state. Good luck!

Jill said...

Don't be sorry Melanie. After I got over being frustrated it made me laugh too. That's why I shared it. :)