Thursday, June 17, 2010

What the Ophthalmologist Said

Daniel asleep Daniel was tuckered out after our long day today. This spot on the floor outside his bedroom door is his favorite place to crash. The blanket over the head was new though. I also found it amusing that he was asleep with his foot up in the air. Only a kid could sleep like this comfortably.

Today we drove to Montgomery to see the ophthalmologist again.

The good news? She told me that his eyesight has vastly improved due to our efforts with patching. He was legally blind in his left eye and his eyesight has improved to about 20/50 in that eye. The daily struggles with the glasses and the patch has been worth it!

The bad news? He will still need surgery to correct the eye turn on his left eye. The surgery is scheduled for July 23. It involves general anesthesia which frankly frightens me a bit but it is minimally invasive and I am assured that he will bounce back very quickly. There is also the possibility that he could continue to improve in the intervening month to such an extent that the surgery might become unnecessary (but this is unlikely). Anyway, I left the appointment feeling pretty happy that we have made such great progress.

Next up: Little D’s 3rd birthday tomorrow.


Amy said...

I am glad it was a positive visit! Poor little guy. I know his birthday bash will make up for it. You are such a great mom!

Darcy said...

Wow this sounds exactly like me when I was a kid, but my mom didn't catch it until I was in third grade. I failed every school eye test but they never contacted my mom and she was furious. Anyway by the time I finally stated complaining about my eyesight I was in third grade. I just thought it was normal to not be able to see anything. Mom got me in right away and they said my vision was so bad I was legally blind in both eyes with a lazy right eye. They said I was to old to patch but mom could try it at home. Well thank goodness my eyesight improved anyway and stabilized by the time I was a little older.

Mauri said...

There's just one other person who could sleep this way comfortably: Sammy.