Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Sandlot Revisited

The Sandlot revisited I just loved this picture of the Cub Scouts tonight after their baseball game. It made me think of a favorite movie, “The Sandlot”. 

There’s just something about baseball. It’s quintessentially summer. It’s sweat and dirt and the smell of leather. It’s peanuts and cracker jacks and the 7th inning stretch. It’s the crack of bat when it connects with the ball. It’s fireworks lighting up the sky after a game. It’s little boys running and sliding  (sometimes into every base) when their team’s at bat. And it’s those same boys staring off into space or picking dandelions when it’s their turn in the outfield. Baseball is memories of family togetherness whether it’s a special outing to the ball park or a simple game with your brothers  in the backyard. Baseball, one could argue, is happiness.

Want to go have a catch?


Mauri said...

That photo is priceless. It looks just like the Sandlot! I'll come play catch with you. It's been too long.

Darcy said...

Hayden loves the movie the Sandlot and he has watched it about 100 times this summer.