Monday, September 27, 2010

Pep Rally

Seth had his first pep rally Thursday. It was a lot of fun. Danny didn't think so though. He would not let me put him down and he covered his ears the whole time. I was amazed at the band (they were very loud though). These kids have only been playing their instruments since August. Granted, everything they played is fairly simple but they really sounded good (as Seth put it "he went 'beast-mode' on his tuba). The band is huge too. I don't know many kids but I'd guess around 250 or 300. My high school band only had around fifty. We got to see Seth do cheers with his team as well so that was fun. He also got to run up to the front and get introduced with the other athletes as part of the cross country team. He was cute and did a little fist pumping action as he ran to the front of the gym. So cool. Love that kid. Love him!

Danny pretty much cried the whole time and kept saying "I want to go home Mommy." When we finally left and went out to the car Dan said "I'n go home mommy. Feel beyah (better)." He fell asleep almost as soon as we got home. I guess all that excitement at the pep rally was just too much to handle.

Here’s a little video of the band playing “Iron Man”. It really doesn’t do the sound justice though. Also, it’s pretty shaky. I was holding Danny on one hip and trying to hold my camera with the other hand, but here it is.


Jill said...

Seth is the one wearing the navy and gold t-shirt and the mask on his face on the far left of the screen at the beginning.

Mom said...

That is so great!!! They have fabulous school spirit at their school. How fun for Seth to be involved in all of these fun things in addition to school work. I thought that the band sounded great--I can't believe how large it is!