Saturday, January 15, 2011

Utah Adventures: Part 1, The Crater at The Homestead Resort

 wideangle sceneDeer Creek Reservoir

I took lots of pictures while we were out West on vacation. I thought I’d post some of them here for my own benefit and for anyone else interested in seeing what we did while we were there for three weeks.

the crater (1)the crater (2)Part of our group outside the crater. You can see the top of the dome in the first picture.

My brother, Rob took the whole family to the Homestead Resort in Midway, Utah to go swimming in the Crater there as part of his Christmas present to us. It is a natural hot springs, renowned for it’s therapeutic benefits.

the crater (3)Entrance to the crater

A tunnel has been carved through the side of the crater to the middle where the water is located. In the tunnel there were some changing rooms like those you might see at the beach where we were able to put on our swimsuits and store our stuff in lockers. It was basically like being in a cave but that just added to the adventure of it all.

the crater (5) A sign in one of the changing stalls. Uh, apparently this has been a problem in the past? Ew.

The water is enclosed in a natural mineral dome so that when you are in it, it looks kind of like you and down inside a volcano looking up through the opening. There was open sky above us and it was cold outside, but we were nice and warm in the water which stays between 90 and 96 degrees F.

the crater (8)Looking up through the opening in the top of the dome

It is 55 feet deep and the only place in Utah with water deep enough to certify for scuba diving. It’s also the only warm water scuba diving destination in the continental US. There were some divers while we were there but we just swam. Life vests are required.

the crater (6) the crater (7) Group shots on the deck by the water. I wasn’t on the ball enough to think to take pictures while we were in the water. I think Rob is laughing at me for being a dork in this picture.

The two littlest boys were scared at first. The water is relatively clear but it is rather dark and because of the depth you cannot see to the bottom. Danny in particular was afraid of monsters at first but after some help from his dad, cousins and uncles he warmed up to the idea and of course when it was time to go he didn’t want to get out.

the crater (4)Here’s the rest of the group that didn’t make it into the first shot. And of course my little brother doing what little brothers do and holding a gigantic snowball over my head.

scene on the drive homeI loved this quaint farm scene in Midway, Utah.

After swimming we drove back to Provo enjoying picturesque scenery and spectacular views the whole way and then Rob treated us all to ice cream at the BYU Creamery on Ninth.

creamery Some of the group sitting down to enjoy their ice cream. I hope my mom doesn’t kill me for posting this picture.

It was a fantastic day. Thanks for the awesome Christmas present Rob!

amazing sun clouds and mountainsBreathtaking clouds on the drive down the canyon


Darcy said...

Great pictures! Its so fun to be able to get together with family during the holidays. Looks like you guys had a great time.

Amy said...

Dave looks like a mountain man. Ha!