Saturday, March 12, 2011

Telephone Talks and Woodland Walks

 via Pinterest

The very first thing I did this morning when I woke up was talk to my sister on the phone. I slept in and she called around 9:00ish and woke me. That makes two lovely things right off the bat: sleeping in and  talking to my sister.

yellow flowersI think yellow is a lovely color.

This afternoon I went outside with my children and watched them run around and play in the newly greening grass. We all went exploring in the woods together and saw all kinds of pretty and interesting things.

fuzzy leaf budsLike these fuzzy leaf buds/pod/flower things. I don’t know what they are. I’ve never seen them before, but they are kind of cool (side note: isn’t the bokeh in this photo lovely?)

We all need more lovely in our lives. What loveliness did the day bring to you?


Amy said...

Today I get to celebrate my husband's birthday. I made him an Italian cream cake with a ne recipe. Lovely!

Danielle said...

A house that stayed fairly picked up throughout the week so that I didn't need to spend most of my Saturday morning putting it back together. Running errands by myself. Shamrock shake. :)