Saturday, April 23, 2011

Halfway to Seventy

I had a great 35th birthday. I’ve decided that I don’t mind getting older. I am grateful for the life experiences I’ve had and for the lessons I’ve learned. In so many ways I am a more self-assured person than I was in my twenties. I feel confident in so many ways and I feel happy with where I am in my life, for the most part.

my cakemy cake (1)

I felt so blessed on my birthday. I had dozens of friends and family wish me happy birthday. I received cards and presents. I had a friend take me out to lunch at Five Guys and then for a butter pecan ice cream cone at Toomer’s Drug. I made myself a delicious strawberry birthday cake and a tasty dinner of steamed shrimp, my favorite crusty French bread from the bakery and a fresh salad. My boys set the table and gave me the blue plate (remind me to tell you about the blue plate) People sang “Happy Birthday” to me and gave me hugs. My boys did the dishes so I didn’t have to and I got a chance to talk to some of my very favorite people in the world on the telephone.


I was thinking about birthdays and why they are such a big deal and I was filled with gratitude that God blessed me with a chance to come to this earth, to have a mortal body and to belong to a family. Those are most definitely reasons to celebrate. Happy birthday to me!!

Nate wrapped itMy kids wrapped my presents. My favorite wrapping job was by Nate. The ends weren’t even taped and Seth felt a need to hold them shut so I wouldn’t see the present before I opened it.



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