Monday, April 25, 2011

Trying to Get a Decent Picture of Four Boys. . .

Is like herding cats (to borrow a phrase I learned from my father-in-law).

Click photo to enlarge.

Classic, right?

Danny trying to run away; Nate holding Danny back; Joel about to flick Nate; Seth just being himself.  

 I did end up getting one or two barely acceptable shots out of the dozen or so that I took. There was a time in my life when this might have made me frustrated, but now I just realize that this is an accurate representation of my boys and our lives. I pretty much love these pictures. Having said that, I don't have any immediate plans to get them framed.


Heidi said...

Hahaha! Oh, we have been there! You might enjoy a similar post from my blog archives:

Mom said...

Handsome, beautiful, wonderful boys! Love them to pieces!

Amy said...

I love them all. :)