Monday, May 09, 2011

Kindness at the Doctor’s Office

Today’s Kindness: Daniel had to have his glasses prescription adjusted—again. Today we went to pick up the new lenses and have them put into his glasses. I brought a magazine that came in the mail today with me. We flipped through it and then I left it in the waiting room (on purpose) for someone else to enjoy. It was a small thing, but maybe there was an article that someone needed in there. I hope so. (I can’t take credit for this idea—I read it somewhere. I probably won’t be able to come up with something new to do every day, but I do want to keep some of my acts of kindness kind of random.)

Kindness We Received Today: Daniel was obviously not happy to have to wait at the doctor’s office again for the second time in less than a week. A nice lady and her daughter came and sat by us and the lady asked if she could offer Daniel a mint. I said sure, and she did. She gave him three, actually, which he happily accepted. It was kind of her and it kept him entertained and quiet for a whole three minutes. ;)

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