Friday, May 20, 2011

Kindness Recap

I am still trying to be mindful of acting kindly every day. Here are a few happenings from while we were on our trip and since we arrived home. I have lots of other things I want to record from our trip, but for now here are some of my efforts for my Kindness Project. You will notice that a lot of these happened in or around grocery stores. What can I say—I have to feed a family of six so I spend a lot in these types of establishments. So without further ado:

  • Offered a jump start to a guy in the Kroger parking lot. He got his car going and I got to feel good that I did something helpful.
  • Gave my biggest smile and thank you to the bagger at the grocery store.
  • Let someone ahead of me in rush hour traffic. I wish someone would have done the same for me on a couple of occasions.
  • Let several people go ahead of us in the line at Subway and other establishments so they wouldn’t have to wait for our large group.
  • Sought out the manager of a grocery store to tell them how much I enjoy shopping at their store.
  • Gave a dollar (that’s all we had on us) and some encouragement to a bi-polar, money-less guy that approached us in downtown Rochester.
  • Told a guy that he has a great smile.
  • Tried to be thankful and courteous to all the people who conducted our tours while we were sight-seeing in New York.
  • Told the cook at a restaurant we ate at thanks for the great meal.
  • Made a general effort to smile more, be more civil and to try to see other people the way God sees them.

I’m feeling pretty good about doing my part to try to improve the world one tiny act at a time.

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