Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The Lilac Festival--Sort Of

Okay everyone, smile pretty.
Now make goofy faces.
Some of the cousins underneath some of the colossal trees.
Danny, making a totally goofy face, poses with cousin, Jack.
All the girls surrounded by lilac bushes.
I love lilacs!
Every year in the spring, Rochester holds The Lilac Festival at Highland Park. This gorgeous park (designed by the same guy who designed Central Park in New York City) is filled with every kind of  lilac bush you can imagine. There are plenty of azaleas and rhododendrons too as well as some amazing trees, plants, and other flowers. The Lilac Festival was rained out on the day we went, but we didn't let that stop us from enjoying the flowers. It was so good to smell lilacs again! That is one of the things we really miss about living in New York and Utah. You just can't grow lilacs in the South. We had a great time taking lots of pictures of all the pretty flowers and smelling them to our hearts' content. We also got pretty soggy, but it was totally worth it!

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