Monday, May 02, 2011

The Roller Coaster Scale

On a scale of one to ten, where ten is a really great day and one is an absolutely awful day, please rate your day.

roller coaster graph

Today is a four.

This could easily change tomorrow though.

Last week was a roller coaster week. Thursday—I learned about the tornadoes that devastated parts of my home state. It was a horribly sad day. My heart breaks for our neighbors to the north; Friday—I attended a tea party in honor of the royal wedding. I made scones and clotted cream and they were delicious. More importantly, I spent time with friends, laughing and enjoying something beautiful; Saturday—Our washer flooded our kitchen and front room. It was a mess to clean up. We were up until nearly 1:00AM; Sunday—We attended the rededication of the Atlanta Georgia Temple of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was a fantastic experience. Oh, and let’s not forget that Osama Bin Laden is dead thanks to our brave men and women of our armed forces. He was an evil, evil man and our world is a better place for him not being in it. Sunday was pretty close to a ten.

I’m beginning to notice a trend here with the ups and downs. They aren’t always a perfect wavy line. Some highs are higher, some falls are more dramatic and some days just generally throw me for a loop.

Today began with Nate throwing up all over the bathroom floor because he didn’t make it to the toilet in time. I took him to the doctor and we found out he has strep throat. Those two events right there would make the day come in pretty low on the scale, however my sweet neighbor brought us over some more Korean sweet potatoes and Nate is already starting to feel better from his antibiotic. I also got a call from Joel’s teacher and during the coarse of our conversation she said that Joel was a very sweet and kind boy and that I have done a good job raising him. I figure those things help to balance out the bad beginning.

My life is a roller coaster. That’s just the way it is. Sometimes the falls aren’t as steep, but there will always be ups and downs.

Actually, I’ve always kind of liked roller coasters. Please don’t misunderstand me. I don’t love having bad days. I don’t even like them. But, I am thankful that the hard times make the sweet times all the sweeter. Tomorrow will bring new challenges and adventures—new dips, twists, turns and climbs. I’m going to do whatever I can to make it a ten on the roller coaster scale.


Addie said...

Just keep holding on, as they say. I feel the same way. Sometimes I even feel nauseous on the roller coaster, but then the view and that wind through your hair can feel pretty good. Ah, life. :)

Heidi said...

I love the graphic! My day was probably a six. Still on the Women's Conference high, but So Much Housework and a Very Grumpy Boy were mitigating factors. Hoping for an early bedtime.