Saturday, June 18, 2011

Band Camp

Section leaders stand up to be recognized
The first chair section leaders
This past week Seth had an opportunity to attend band camp at Auburn University on a scholarship. One of the perks of playing an instrument like the tuba is that the band "market" isn't over-saturated with them. No tubas or baritones had signed up for the camp so Seth was recruited. He was excited for the opportunity.

The camp began Wednesday and  ran all day Thursday and Friday (7am to 10:30pm) and ended today with a concert for the families. We really enjoyed it. Seth also had the opportunity to be "first chair" by default, so he was given a cd of Auburn Marching Band numbers which was kind of a fun perk.The band sounded great for only having practiced two and a half days total. Our family's favorite number was the last one: "Pirates of the Caribbean." We couldn't see Seth from where we were sitting but I recorded this anyway. I figured the grandparents might enjoy hearing it even if no one else really cares.


Marilyn Cassidy said...

Thanks, Jill. I really did enjoy the performance via the internet! What a talented young man you have produced. I am proud of him--and of you too!

Mom said...

You're right--the grandparents love seeing (and hearing) things like this. You are wonderful to always keep us updated with pictures of the boys and the things that the whole family is doing. You always do such varied and interesting things as a family--you are a wonderful mother. We love you and miss you.
Love, Mom