Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father's Day

We celebrated Father’s Day by going to church, then taking a short bike ride and a long nap. We gave David a few token gifts—a couple of DVDs (Chariots of Fire and Bullitt), framed pictures of the boys to keep in his office, a bag of caramels.

My personal favorite part of the day was when the three youngest boys sang some songs to their dads with the rest of the children at church. Danny stood up there not actually singing but making faces and declaring loud enough for many people to hear “I see you, Mom!” That kid! A close second was reading some little fill-in-the-blank worksheets the boys had filled out about their dad accompanied by illustrations.

Joel: “My Dad has brown colored eyes, and brown colored hair. My dad is 37 years old. My dad loves to be nice. My dad doesn’t like to be mean. The best thing about my Dad is: he is my Dad. I know my Dad loves me because: he’s my dad.” Joel’s drawing shows a very tall and skinny David standing by the kitchen table. Typical Joel.

Nate: “My Dad has brown colored eyes, and blakishgray (blackish-gray) colored hair. My dad is 37 years old. My dad loves to run. My dad doesn’t like to poll wede (pull weeds). The best thing about my Dad is: I tinck has a bownaro (I think he has a bow and arrow). I know my Dad loves me because: he hugs me evre day (he hugs me every day).” Nate’s drawing depicts David wielding a katana.

Danny: “My Dad has blue colored eyes, and yellow colored hair. My dad is 4 years old. My dad loves to eat. My dad doesn’t like bad animals. The best thing about my Dad is: he loves bowties. I know my Dad loves me because: he plays with me.” Danny’s drawing is turquoise, yellow and fuchsia scribbles and it is quite lovely.

My Dad
My daddy is my fav’rite pal,
And I help him ev’ry day.
It’s plain to see I want to be
Like him in ev’ry way.
He teaches me that honesty
Is best in all I do.
I’m very glad that he’s my dad,
And I know he loves me too.

Words and music: Carol Graff Gunn, b. 1929. © 1957

Happy Father’s Day to the father of my children (and to my own amazing dad and wonderful father-in-law as well. I love you all).


Dad said...

That is a great bunch of boys you have there, Jill. I love their comments.
Dad Dunn

Heather O said...

Oh man, that made my day! I think the fill in the blanks got better and better with each one. :)

Jill said...

I thought so too, Heather! I also thought they were great glimpses into their individual personalities.