Monday, June 06, 2011

Today. . .

I took two little boys to the dentist (zero cavities!). I took one sick boy to the pediatrician (it’s not strep). I went to the post office. I went to the drug store to pick up more Motrin. I dropped off snacks and picked up a t-shirt at the sick boy’s cub scout day camp that he wasn’t able to go to today because of his dang fever this morning. I did all this in 98 degree heat in my stupid car that has a broken air conditioner. I spent most of the rest of the day lying on the couch in my air conditioned home reading The Lost Symbol by Dan Brown—probably read around 300 pages today. Not the most productive day, but I’ve had worse days too I suppose.


Linda said...

Hooray for no cavities! Hooray for no strep! Hooray for good books, read in air conditioned comfort, as a well-earned reward after a very challenging morning :)

Samuel James Dunn, Esq. said...

Sounds lovely. :] I just read The Lost Symbol too. Decent book, not my favorite, but decent.

Jill said...

That was my opinion as well. I read it for a book club that I'm in. It should provide lots of fuel for an interesting discussion.