Wednesday, October 26, 2011


     This evening Danny was reciting The Three Little Kittens. We have the Paul Galdone version and it is one of his favorites.

     "Oh, mudder dear..."
     "Say 'mother', not 'mudder'", I interupt.
     "No--bite your tongue like this: /th/", (for any linguists out there, /ð/).

     Danny places his tongue between his teeth and makes a perfect /th/ sound.
     I get excited, "Very good! Now say "moTHer"

     We'll get it one of these days.
      In the meanwhile, I am very pleased with Daniel's progress in speech therapy on his /p/ sound and Nate's progress with /s/ just recently.

Oh, and as a random aside, today was crazy hair day at school for red ribbon week. We are kind of tame around here. Joel opted for a hat and Nate wanted a fauxhawk--nothing too wacky, but we still had to take his picture. He's a cutie.

1 comment:

Heather O said...

Middle in the right column - my favorite. He is totally GQ!