Monday, September 08, 2008


Medalist Ever since Seth started back to school he has been keeping us informed about the "Cary Woods Olympics." Today was the medals ceremony and just look at my little Olympian. He won a gold and a bronze in two different volleyball events, a silver in team basketball and a bronze in the individual free throw event (obviously not real events but perfect for an elementary school). The P.E. teacher, Coach Cooper, always goes to a lot of effort to get the kids excited about physical education and to make things fun for them. Seth was excited to show off his medals when he got home and of course I had to snap a picture. Isn't he handsome? What a winner!

And speaking of winners, David and I have reached a very difficult decision concerning the little contest we sponsored. We thank you all for your answers to our query and marvel at  your creativity.  All the submissions were top quality. However, as there can be only one winner, the honors go to Jenny of Adventures with the Renchers who said, "that's's a quaillet. A quail with a mullet! :) See? the hair is short in the front-long in the back. Now where's my prize? Ha!."

Jenny if you can email me your mailing address I will get your quirky prize in the mail as quickly as possible. Deciding on the best answer was difficult but deciding on a prize was another matter entirely--a quilt? a quarter? a quill pen? We finally decided on something that we think is almost as quirky as the quaillet itself--a multi-colored, slightly psychedelic, clay or sculpy (not sure which) sculpture of a hippie that Jen can display proudly on her bookshelf or mantle. No, it doesn't start with "Q" but it'll have to do. Than-Q again for all your answers and for humoring me with your participation.   sculpy hippiehippie close up


Heather O said...

Way to go Seth!! He sure does look handsome. And great answer to Jenny! Enjoy your prize.

Rencher Fam said...

Yay! I've never won anything quite as prestigious as this!!! I will display it proudly!!!!THANKS!