Saturday, March 14, 2009

Know Your Judge

Tonight Seth really wanted to play Apples to Apples before bed so we had a fun little game with David, Me, Seth and Joel. If you are not familiar with this game it is a comparison game. One green card (an adjective) is picked by the judge and the other players choose a match for the adjective from a hand of 7 red (noun) cards. The judge gets to look over all the submissions and choose the one he or she likes most. Players might submit red cards that are funny, ironic, ridiculous or just really good matches. It is super fun. Especially when playing with silly little boys. One of the most important strategies in this game is to know your judge. Different players take turns acting as judge so it's important to kind of have a feel for what the judge might pick--understand their personality and know what might make them laugh. The very last play of the game, it was Joel's turn to judge. His adjective was "calm." The nouns submitted were "blood," "pro wrestling," and "stun guns." He liked all the answers but ultimately chose "pro wrestling". I guess we were all pretty good at determining what a 7 year old boy would find amusing.

1 comment:

Mom said...

"Calm" . . . "Pro wrestling" . . . of course--everybody knows that! I would dearly love to plan Apples to Apples with your family.