Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

Alright, so I know I should probably be posting every day but let's be realistic here--I am a mom to three boys after all. So much has been going on recently I have barely had a free minute. It seems that there was something on my calendar every single day last week and so far this week is looking no different. I know that I haven't been getting enough sleep because I feel myself getting worn down and I'm starting to get sick--nothing serious, just bothersome. I am a mother--I don't have time to get sick.I am still trying to fight the losing battle with laundry dishes and keeping my house clean. After Saturday I did some deep cleaning in the kitchen: emptying out drawers, pulling out the stove and cleaning behind it and mopping thoroughly. All this due to a little mouse that was brave enough to run out from under the stove while I was working in the kitchen. Yuck! Sometimes my life seems over run with the mundane and I long for a little more excitement but then I think, no, Nate drinking out of the toilet is about all the excitement I can handle at this point. Doctor's appointments, parent teacher conferences, errands, church meetings: all mundane but keeping me busy never the less. Tonight we are taking the kids to Disney on Ice. They are very excited. We don't do stuff like this very often at all. David and I both remember going to the ice-capades once when we were little. I plan to bring the camera and take pictures so the kids can remember it because it may never happen again. Anyway, I've got more running around to do, so I guess I'll sign off for now...

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