Thursday, January 12, 2006

More Sunshine

Yesterday was a beautiful day but today is absolutely gorgeous. I cannot believe this weather! It is January 12 and the weather is like April. I actually walked to get Joel from Preschool without a coat on. I feel alive and my energy level is higher than it has been since October (this might be partly because of exercising last night and this morning). I honestly feel happy and ready to work. I have the energy to make decent meals for my family and clean and do laundry. That is saying a lot for me. I am also thrilled because my sister is coming to visit me in a few short weeks. It is so hard to be away from my family. I love them so much. Thank goodness I have wonderful friends here to act as surrogate family. David is a really great husband too. I think he realizes how hard it can be on me and he is always willling to get the boys ready for bed if I just really need to get out. I am a little sad (but only a very little because who can be very sad when the sun is shining?) because I know this phenomenal weather cannot last--I am in western NY after all. For now though I will call it yet another "tender mercy". (Maybe that's what I should have named my blog).

I loved walking home with Joel and Nate. Joel told me all about his day and Nate hummed the "Impreial Death March" (Darth Vader's theme song) for us. My children brighten my days and enrich my life so much. They drive me crazy at times but really, they are what keeps me going. To know that I have them sealed to me, inextricably, forever is a constant source of amazement and wonderment. I feel so truly blessed. Each one of them is a totally unique individual with such varying personalities. I am their mother but they teach me so much. I want to be the best me for them. I want them to have that example of faith and righteous living so that they will grow up good and strong. The world needs my children and it is and will be a nicer place because of them.

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