Tuesday, January 10, 2006

There is Sunshine in my Soul Today

It seems that after the spiritual highs (like Sunday) there is always a valley to go through. Last night and today I have felt like pulling my hair out on more than one occasion. Winter in upstate New York is awful. I heard on the news the other day that we have set a record here for most days in a row without sunshine, but as I am typing this I am again reminded of the Lord's tender mercies. I'm sitting here at the computer and the sun has just come out from behind the clouds.The sky is blue instead of gray. This is absolutely amazing to me but my whole attitude has just changed. All with the appearance of the sun. (I feel an allegory coing on) I cannot believe how much the gray skies affect my mood negatively. I feel my self struggling not to snap at my children all the time. We all have cabin fever and need to get out of the house. I think maybe we will go to the zoo after we pick Seth up from School if it is not too cold. The weather here is bizarre right now. It is January, usually one of the harshest months and we are expected to have April-like temperatures by Thursday--a much needed reprieve. Maybe I can make it through the winter...

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