Monday, January 09, 2006

Tender Mercies

Church was really good yesterday. It was one of the best Fast and Testimony meetings I've been to in a long time. (Every month--usually the first Sunday--after the Sacrament is administered, instead of talks or preaching the microphone is opened up for those who want to share their feelings about Jesus Christ and His gospel.) The spirit was really strong and I felt good and happy to be at Church. It is not always easy to live in a small branch where there are not many members; I begin to feel overwhelmed with my duties and start to feel that I am doing it on our own, but I was reminded more than once yesterday that the Lord helps us. When we do what he asks, He always keeps his promises. During the closing hymn I could not even sing the last two verses because I was so touched by His spirit that was present. Sometimes I feel like I just can't do it anymore and just at that moment my spiritual tank is filled to overflowing and I know that I can continue doing what my Father in Heaven asks of me and I realize just how blessed I am and that the Lord is so generous with bestowing His "tender mercies" on me and my family.

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