Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I'm Starting to Learn to Love My House

Well, I have been very busy lately. My sister just left yesterday to return home to her family in Florida. She came to visit me and help me out. It was wonderful for me. I feel so blessed to have her. We were really able to get a lot done in the time she was here (And we had a lot of fun doing it; it's been a while since I have laughed so much). We painted the boys room and pulled uo their carpet. We switched the light fixtures and hemmed the curtains. The whole room was rather depressing before--everything was flat gray paint--the ceiling, the trim, the walls. There was old ugly stained gray carpet on the floor. When we pulled up the carpet there were hardwood floors underneath (who puts carpet over hardwood floors anyway?!). First we painted the ceiling, then the woodwork (that was a time consuming job), then we painted the walls. The top half is tan--we told the boys it is "Tantooine"--then there is a four inch wide white stripe that goes down around the bottom half of the windows and door trim, then there is a vivid blue on the bottom half of the wall--we told the boys it is "Nabloo". It took pretty much the whole time she was here but the results are so worth it. It was such a cold depressing room before and now it is warm and bright and I love it. Anne shared a thought that she had when we were working: You love what you serve and that extends to objects as well, not just people, so if I am serving my house by painting it or caring for it than I will love it. I think she is right; I'm starting to learn to love my house.

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