Friday, June 02, 2006


We finally put our house on the market on Tuesday and we sold it yesterday. I cannot tell you the relief I am feeling. I have been worried about it for so long and the stress concerning that aspect of the move is almost completely gone. (I say almost because we still have to finish the work and hope that everything goes smoothly with closing). We had three people come see the house on Wednesday and we received two offers. Our realtor went over them with us. We counter-offered on one of them and asked for more and he (the buyer) seemed agreeable and was going to sign the papers when he got off work last night. I really feel that the Lord's hand has been in this and he has helped us. We had many wonderful friends show up to help us both Saturday and Monday so we got much more done than we would have been able to by ourselves. We put in about a 16 hour day on Saturday with a couple of short breaks for lunch and dinner and we worked in record heat on Monday in the yard from about 9:00 a.m. until it got dark. We got so much painting patching and yard work done that it is making me a little sad that we now have to leave it all. I have been utterly exhausted but I'm starting to feel refreshed. I actually slept in until about 8:30 this morning and Dave took the boys to school for me. This afternoon I'm taking a short but much needed retreat to Toronto with my friends and Sunday Mom will be here so it seems life just keeps getting better. I will still need to exercise a little discipline though and continue to keep the house clean and pack. It shouldn't be very hard, especially with Mom here to help.

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