Monday, April 03, 2006

It's Official

Well it looks like we'll be moving this summer. I have very mixed feelings about it. I am excited and know that it is the right choice but I will definitely miss my friends and I am feeling the stress assosciated with moving. I spent three hours cleaning my basement on Friday (Amy was so sweet to offer to watch Joel) and I got about a quarter of it done but there is really a lot more to do. Sometimes I feel paralyzed by the amount of work facing me and it makes me just want to do nothing. I know, dumb reaction but that's what I do--freeze up. So when I should be cleaning I sit here writing at the computer instead. I am worried about how the boys will handle the change as well. I think Joel will miss his friends but he will be fine. We are at a natural changing point for him as many of his friends from preschool will be going to different schools next year. I am more worried about Seth. He doesn't adjust to change well and he really doesn't remember living anywhere but here. I know he will miss Jillian and his school friends terribly. I think maybe we need to start creating a scrapbook that he can look at when he's feeling homesick for New York. It's so wierd to think that we could actually be moving. It just really doesn't seem real yet. I am starting to think about all the things I'll miss about living in the Rochester area. I am so grateful for the opportunity we've had to live here and especially for the friends I've made here. Danielle and Amy will be my friends for life. We have all been through a lot together and have really been a support system to each other. They have been my surrogate family since my family is so far away. I am scared that when we move I will be all alone again like I was before we moved here. I am already starting to pray that there will be someone who will be my friend because it's hard to make it in this world without friends. I love my family dearly and they are of course my best friends but they all live so far away. We will see how everything works out.

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