Thursday, August 10, 2006

Day 2 of School

And I'm already getting calls saying Joel has a sore throat and has been crying a little. Blast. One of the many disadvantages of public schools--germ sharing. Poor little guy but really I didn't know what to do. Dave had the car at the shop getting the window fixed AGAIN, so there was no way for me to pick him up and I have a little suspicion that it's probably not all that bad. Maybe it just seems worse because Joel is missing his old school, teacher, and friends. The boys are seeming to have a little bit of a difficult time adjusting to the new schedule (as am I). We woke up a little late yesterday but did even worse today--and that was with everyone going to bed earlier. Seth said he couldn't fall asleep and Joel had a major meltdown before bed. We are going to have to figure this thing out. I even went to bed about an hour earlier than I usually do but when I got home from dropping them off I went back to sleep because I was exhausted. I just really want to be settled here with a clean and organized home and it is taking a lot longer than I thought it would. I have run out of steam and it's like I just keep waiting for the work to get done on it's own. I think Dave feels the same way because he's really not taking any initiative either (not that I blame him). There is so much still going on and so much coming up that it is really quite overwhelming at times. I guess I'll just have to take life as it comes--a day at a time. On a more positive note I decided maybe life wouldn't seem so hard if I was focusing on the good and "living in thanksgiving daily" so I've decided I need to start a list of things I am grateful for and add a couple of things each day. I've done this in the past and it was really a mood booster.
*Today's list:
1. My family (obvious I know)
2. Indoor plumbing
3. Yogurt (specifically Dannon le Creme yogurt--yummy)
4. A nice working, air-conditioned mode of transportation
5. Unlimited long distance ( I know I keep harping on this but it really is most excellent)
*in no particular order--although family is always first

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