Sunday, August 06, 2006

You Lift Me and I'll Lift Thee and We'll Ascend Together

So if a measure of a ward is it's Fast and Testimony Meeting then I think we've found a great ward. I was really touched in Sacrament Meeting today by the goodness and love that the people in this ward have for each other. The very first lady to bear her testimony (I believe her name was Sister Smith) told about her love for the 14 and 15 year old Sunday School class that she teaches. She talked about teaching a lesson about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and then having to go to work that day. Her students found out about it and were questioning her about it and she said it really started to bother her. How could she teach these youth one thing and then go and do another, so she put in her two weeks notice this past week and will be going back to substitute teaching. It was quite a great testimony and I was impressed at her willingness to set a good example for the kids she teaches. Next the oldest member of the ward got up to bear his testimony and I'm not sure how old he is but he is very white haired and bent and frail-looking. As soon as he got up a couple of the Aaronic priesthood holders hopped up to help him up the stand then Bro. Ware--a councilor in the bishopric--took his arm and helped him to the podium. When he was done the same people helped him back to his seat. I don't know why it touched me so much but it did--there was just such a feeling of respect and love. The rest of the meeting was really good too. A man, Brother Kettering, talked about hiking with his family and his headlamp starting to fail and likened it to the Parable of the Ten Virgins in a way that was both memorable and meaningful. One Sister talked about the awesomeness of being able to work or serve in the temple and so on. Almost every testimony included peoples feelings, love for, or belief in the Savior. It was really uplifting and I'm so glad I went and was edified after having feelings last night of missing the branch and not wanting to go to church with a bunch of people we don't know. I know it's silly, because obviously that is not why one goes to church but even with it's quirks we were comfortable in the branch but there is something about people bearing their testimonies that lets you into their hearts a little bit and helps you feel that you know them. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is so miraculous and wonderful and I take it for granted far too often. Sister Mayes said something to me a few weeks ago about how a mission had been really good because she had just kind of been "coasting" for too long. That made me think. I feel that maybe I've been coasting a little bit too (alright or maybe a lot). I want to be the person that Heavenly Father wants me to be and I am so thankful that He has provided me the tools and the team members to help me reach the end goal. Family and friends are such a wonderful blessing to help me want to be better and encourage me to do so. I'm filled with a desire to be and do good right now and I know it's in part due to the goodness of the people in my life--both far away and close by.


Danielle said...

I'm so glad you had such an awesome meeting! I won't ruin the spirit of your post by relaying what happened at ours yesterday (let's just say it involved AIDS and the Cadillac Motel), but I'll fill you in later. Pray for me as I head off to Girls' Camp! :D

Jill said...

Yikes. I can only imagine. Did it also involve JVK?

Mauri said...

That's great! Ahh, to be in a ward. So, ours was good for the most part, but there were one or two inappropriate comments--one by a guy who said the only reason he was up there was because he would get a free dinner if he did. Really, you'd be amazed at how many people act like they are 18 instead of 28.

dawnmercedes said...

Oh Jill! I'm so glad that your ward sounds like one that knows how to bear testimonies! Hope you are setting in nicely.