Friday, August 18, 2006

Note to self:

Do not take headache medicine containing caffeine after 6:00 p.m. unless you want to be awake until !:00 a.m.
Another note to self: It really stinks that there are so many wierdos in the world that I can't even publish pictures of my kids to my blog.

Dave told me this morning that I should probably be a little more careful. I guess he's probably right but it really stinks. My blog is about me, who I am, and a huge part of who I am is a wife and a mother. Anyway, I want to protect my family and who knows what psychopaths are out there so I guess I won't be posting more pics of the kids on here. I'll stick to tabblo where people have to either be part of my circle or have an invitation to see my fellas.

Alrighty then.

So I guess I need to make a little list of things I'm thankful for now:
Clearance sales
The moon
Having a nose


dawnmercedes said...

Yeah, I don't even post my kids' names on my blog...or the names of friends. I write "C**." The first letter of the name. I enjoy your gratitude lists. I might have to encorporate that into a blog entry of my own!

Jill said...

Thanks Dawn!! I am a little behind in my blogging since I've been on a trip (I don't know that it could be called a vacation) but I hope to get some of my experiences recorded soon. It's always nice to get a comment on my blog. :)