Wednesday, October 04, 2006

A Colloquialism for Yous*

I'm not going to rant about not being able to watch LOST because I did that a couple of posts ago, but I am going to say that I am anxious to watch it on the internet tomorrow...
Instead I will talk about how great life is (and maybe I'll convince myself, heh heh.) Actually life is pretty good right now. I wish it wasn't so hot--high today was 88 and tomorrow it's supposed to be 90--not really what I think of as Fall weather.Other than that I really don't have a whole lot to complain about. Some of the leaves around are finally starting to change colors a little so that is nice and the sun shines brightly in the blue, blue sky every day so that is nice as well. We are all getting used to living here although I am still learning my way around. Joel's teacher said she hasn't seen any tears in about two weeks so that is a major triumph. Seth is getting a little better at focusing on his homework and getting it done in a timely manner and Dave said the other day that he is getting used to the Southern accent although occasionally it really stands out. I maintain that "y'all" is a good word when used in the proper context but not to excess. However I don't think "y'all" should be used as a singular pronoun. Let me elaborate. Sometimes it just flows more smoothly to say "y'all's" as opposed to "you guys'(s)." i.e. "Is that dog ya'll's?" or "Is that dog you guys'(s)?" I know that neither is proper English, but let's face it: no one speaks using proper grammar all the time. However y'all cannot be pluralized (it is already plural) and it especially cannot be plural possesive. (Sorry if I'm getting too nitty-gritty here). Allow me to illustrate with another example:
Nate: Mine! (picking up some sort of cord or cable)
Me: (indicating the cable guy) No, that's his.
Cable Guy: Oh, I think that's y'alls's (let me just type that one more time for clarification:
y- '- a- l- l- s- '- s)
I actually had a little bit of a hard time not laughing--don't get me wrong he seemed like a great guy. Maybe if we'd been in New York he might have said "yous's" but I doubt it. It made me smile thinking what those people from Buffalo might sound like if they were Southerners. :) *

*I really hope I don't offend anyone. That's not my intent; it's just to make people smile. I know I say (and type) many things incorrectly but we are all human, right? I feel we need to laugh at ourselves sometimes. So there yous have it. :)


Danielle said...

Thanks for the laugh this morning! :) Did I read that right -- you had a cable guy at your house?!?! Yippee, skipee! LOST was sooooooo good last night!

Jill said...

Actually a dish network guy but cable guy just flowed better for composition purposes. ;) I went to Institute this morning (more on that in a later post) but I'm going to go watch it right now! Woohoo.