Monday, October 30, 2006


We carved pumpkins tonight for family home evening. After some frustration in trying to find pumpkins--yes, we procrastinated as usual--Dave and the boys came home with three beauties and after eating dinner we spent the rest of the evening listening to fun Halloween music and enjoying the varied facial expressions of our three sons as they respectively, scooped out, assayed and ate the pumpkin. We all had a lot of fun and ended up with some very spooky Jack-o-lanterns too I might add. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Robyn said...

It sounds like you all had a blast carving your pumpkins. Your post just reminded me that we have 7 pumpkins sitting in the back of our van. We were going to carve them for FHE last night as well but completely forgot and ended up playing a game where Bryan would ask the kids a question and I would try to hit them with a tennis ball. It was pretty funny not as bad as it sounds!