Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Food for Thought

My Ensign got here yesterday! Yippee! It may seem silly to be so excited about the arrival of a magazine but I really needed it. I missed a lot of conference this year due to having so much fun at the beach with my sister and her family. Even though we tried to watch it, it was easy to get distracted and not pay really great attention. I woke up with my back killing me yesterday (it still hurts really bad today to the point of not being able to really stand up straight but that's a whole different story) so anyway I spent a lot of time pampering myself yesterday by laying around and reading my Ensign and burning scented candles. :) For feeling so rotten, it was actually not a bad day. Our church leaders are so inspired and I feel like Heavenly Father was telling me exactly what I need to be doing better at. He knows me so well. And I felt so encouraged to keep trying to do and be better.

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