Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Dear Seth

Well, I can't believe it but the day has arrived. My oldest son is 8 years old today. Life has been crazy lately so it was ice cream cake from Brewster's and pizza tonight for dinner but I think he had a nice day. He got a bike (his first) along with the things he needs for cub scouts and a book and the movie The Goonies from his brothers. I am looking forward to his baptism on Sunday. I'm so proud of him. He is a really good boy and tries so hard to help me and be a good example to his friends and his younger brothers. Once the baptism is over I'll be able to start concentrating on Christmas and once the holidays are over maybe my life will regain some semblance of normalcy. For today I am just so grateful that Seth is part of our family. I love him so much!

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