Thursday, January 11, 2007

A card for today

I actually made this card a few months ago but I ran across it today as I was organizing and decided my blog has been neglected long enough and perhaps it would be fun to include a photo of this for anyone who might be interested. The stamps and inks were borrowed. I don't have this set so I'm not sure of the name and I'm not feeling ambitious enough to go look it up. The paper is Marigold, Buckaroo Blue and Vanilla. The enjoy was stamped on heated fun foam to acheive a faux leather effect and I thought it turned out quite well. The small photo is a close up shot. The ink was Buckaroo Blue, Marigold Morning and Cranberry Crisp. The flowers are popped up on dimensionals and embellished with Stampin' Up! buttons. So there you have it. I'm hoping to get my new crafting area set up soon. I am suffering serious stamping withdrawal since I really have not been able to do any serious stamping since we moved at the end of July! Who knows maybe one of these days I'll have all sorts of interesting things to share here. All images copyrigthed by Stampin' Up! 1990-2007

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Mauri said...

Wow, Jill. Your creative genius never ceases to amaze me. And I am completely serious. It's a good thing there are creative people like you out there to make this world a more beautiful place. Thanks for sharing the pics!

Jill said...

You are too kind, dear sister!

*Beatriz Jennings* said...

Beautiful work!!

Have a nice day!

Bety :)