Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Why Army Guys and Baking Don't Mix

So, Sunday I decided to make muffins and asked David to preheat the oven for me. Well, Nate has a habit of putting things in the oven when it is not on: checkers, rice crispies, hard boiled eggs, and toy cars to name a few.

I have gotten into the habit of checking before I turn the oven on just to make sure everything is copacetic but I didn't think to ask David to do the same so as I'm starting to mix up the muffin batter I smell something peculiar. "Dave" I yell, "Come here."
"Do you smell that? It smells like. . . melting plastic."
When we open the oven door it looks like it has been slimed with dripping green ectoplasm-type goo (the kind reminiscent of Ghost Busters movies) dripping between the oven racks onto the oven floor. The slime is melted beyond recognition but as near as we can figure out, we decide it must be one of the green plastic army guys that are strewn all over the house. There appear to be no other parts, just plastic--no wheels or anything else, so it must be one of the army guys. Poor fellow didn't stand a chance in a 400 degree oven.

Lucky for us the melted plastic cleaned up really easily since it hardened as soon as it cooled. The only real consequence in this disaster-avoided was the lingering smell of melted plastic during our dinner. I've tried to find one of those child safety locks for the oven, but to no avail--I think it's time to look a little harder.