Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Family Turkey Project

family turkey project Joel brought home a blank turkey that we were supposed to decorate together as a family and send back to school for display until Thanksgiving. We had a lot of fun working on it together. Everyone participated. Well actually David and Daniel just watched but they gave us their approval, but that's participating too, right.  I'm positive that Joel had the coolest turkey there today. He said there was one that had pieces of pinecone on it that was pretty cool but how can you beat mirrored wings?! My favorite part is the piece of popped balloon that Seth found for the waddle. I love the macaroni talons too though and the bean eye is pretty cool as well.  All the turkeys will receive an award (I think maybe Joel's will be "Heaviest"--the thing has got to weigh a couple pounds with all that metal and all those beans)  at the Thanksgiving feast on Friday. It was so fun to collaborate and see my boys using their creative imaginations to make it unique. I can't believe Thanksgiving is only a week away. . . 


Mom said...

This is so cute! I'll bet that Joel (with the help of his family) has the most creative turkey in the class. Maybe the boys could make some Christmas decorations to bring to Utah to put on my refrigerator at Christmastime.

Heather O said...

Awesome! What a fun project for everyone.