Friday, November 09, 2007

A Sound One Doesn't Like to Hear

I was sitting at the computer yesterday when I heard this:

The Sound of Money Flying Out of My Wallet

The thought that leaped into my head: "Oh. No. They. Didn't." Well, sadly, Oh yes, they did. Or at least Joel did. Apparently Joel was throwing a rock at the house and missed the wall and hit the window instead. I suppose it was inevitable that something like this would happen. My boys have actually broken quite a few things, but never a window (unless you count the one David broke by throwing a football in the house). I made Joel go with me down to the rental office and tell the office manager what happened. The glass people came today and measured the window but they have to order it and it won't be in until next week. THis is one of the times that I am grateful for living in Alabama. If we were in Rochester,my boys would be freezing their little tootsies off for the next few nights (it was the window in Joel and Nate's room). For now we just cover the almost-frisbee-sized hole with an old checkerboard. Works pretty well. Well one good thing about it--at least it forced us to clean the room up. I was afraid the glass man wouldn't be able to even get to the window to measure it otherwise. Here are a couple of pictures. 100_9558100_9549


Danielle said...

My first thought was "why would anyone throw rocks at their house?" My second thought was "he's a Dunn." ;D
I'm glad no one got hurt!

Christine said...

Thank goodness for living in the south. The weather is a blessing sometimes.

Heather O said...

I know that is too bad! I had to laugh at Danielle's comment. It is good you are in Alabama, could be worse I guess.

Mauri said...

Oh, man. That is really too bad. I'm sorry about that! Yes, thank goodness for the November weather in Alabama. I guess that's about the only good part--it couldn't have happened at a better time of the year.
I'm betting Joel got a good talking to after the incident. :)