Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Finding Ourselves

"We become more significant individuals as we serve

others--indeed, it is easier to 'find' ourselves, because

there is so much more for us to find!"

- Spencer W. Kimball


My sweet and wonderful sister shared this thought with me and I thought I would pass it along as well. I have decided to practice being more grateful. I think as I recognize my own blessings more I will want to share those blessings with others. Serving others and gratitude may not seem that closely related at first, but I think they really are. They are both ways that we show Heavenly Father that we love him, they both demonstrate humility, and as I can attest from personal experience they are both ways that truly help us to feel joy. I want to become a "more significant individual"--a person of substance. I want to live in joy and thanksgiving daily and I want to touch the lives of those around me by doing so. I'm going to start today.


Mauri said...

What a great thought! Thanks for passing it along. It's something I too need to work on.

Amie said...

thanks for your nice comments! you read the BOM in like 2 weeks??? wowza!!

Amie said...

oh, duh, oops, just reread your little chart, lol!! Good luck!