Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's Snowing

Yes, you read that right. It's snowing here in Auburn, AL. From what I've heard previously this hasn't happened in 13 or so years. It's a little crazy. Yesterday we were wearing short sleeves and had our car windows rolled down and today it is snowing. Now, this is not the huge fluffy white flakes that some of your are accustomed to and it is not accumulating at present but it is coming down pretty fast. My kids couldn't wait to go out and play and make some nice slush balls. That's about all it's good for right now. But who knows--it could get colder; it could stick. Maybe. We'll see.


Heather O said...

Hey it snowed here too! But it is more unusual that is snowed in Auburn. Well enjoy the slushies!

Mauri said...

Slush balls. Nice. If you'd like a little more snow, maybe we can ship it to you. We've got plenty to spare here.

Mom said...

I felt bad that the boys couldn't build a snowman while they were here. Monday is snowed 11 inches and so for Singles FHE they decided to build a snowman. They all came in heavy coats, hats, gloves, boots, scarves, and even brought all of the above to decorate the snowmen with. However, when they tried to actually build the snowman, the snow was just not wet enough to pack together. Utah is known the the greatest snow on earth, but I guess they're referring to the "powder". Oh well, I guess they can try again later.

Lesli said...

How fun for you!!! I would be happy to send you a little snow from MT - we have plenty!