Saturday, May 31, 2008

Joel's Birthday

  100_3178Joel's birthday was Thursday (May 29). We opened presents then went out to dinner and to see Prince Caspian. We loved the movie. At one point I heard Joel lean over to Seth and whisper, 100_3180"This movie is awesome!" It was a pretty long movie and it was really late when we got home. Two of the boys had fallen asleep in the movie theater so we decided to just wait and have cake the next day. We invited some friends from church to come over and have cake after we met at the park to play yesterday morning. I can't believe my little boy is 7 years old now. I remember a couple weeks after he was born getting home from somewhere one evening and saying to David,100_3193 "Life doesn't get much better than this." Of course there have been lots of trials in the intervening years and I didn't realize that it despite those trials, life does get better--now I have four boys instead of just two. I am so grateful to have sweet little charming Joel as part of our family. He makes everything seem better with his kind words and sweet hugs. Love you dude!


Heather O said...

Happy Birthday dear Joel! (Or as I fondly like to remember him as baby Juh.) We love you!

Love, Uncle Graham and Aunt Heather

Rencher Fam said...

Happy Birthday Joel! When I see pictures of your boys I am blown
away! They look so grown up!

Amy said...

He just keeps getting cuter! I am looking forward to seeing little Joel again!

Mauri said...

Sweet Joel. I love that demure smile of his. The funny this is, sometimes that demure smile means mischief. Just a few more days until we see you all!!