Thursday, June 05, 2008

No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service

I hate to perpetuate negative stereotypes of the South (in particular Alabama) but when I saw how Nate dressed himself yesterday morning I had to grab the camera and snap a couple of pictures. 100_3257100_3259

It has been so hot here--in the 90s for the last several days--that I can hardly blame him for not wanting to wear a shirt but the overalls are a little over the top. We had to buzz his hair a couple of weeks ago after he tried to cut it himself and the buzzed haircut just completes the image. I should have taken a video of him as he was dancing around and chanting in a sing song voice "Hey y'all. How ya doin' y'all?" I guess maybe kids pick up on the stereotypes too. At any rate, it gave me a chuckle so I had to share. Now I need to go fry up some okra for dinner. Y'all come back now, ya hear?


Amy said...

Classic. lol. What great pictures.

Rencher Fam said...

Ha! I love it!

Unknown said...

I like it too, too bad he does not have a mullet haircut to complete the photo.

Heather O said...

Man, Alan beat me with the mullet comment, oh well. I love it, seriously Nate is so funny!